Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Living on the edge...the coast track.


Gill - That British Woman said...

that looks like a stormy seas with the waves crashing against the cliffs.

Gill in Canada

Anonymous said...

Very dramatic, I love it.

Unknown said...

I like the first sentence of your profile. Hooked me right in!

And this photograph is breathtaking. And as ewok said, dramatic. I love drama in the natural world!

Jim said...

Great coastline shot.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Anonymous said...

This is definitely my favorite this week! GORGEOUS VIEW!!!

2sweetnsaxy said...

Love it! I can almost hear those crashing waves and smell the salty air.

Tulip said...

love your post it reminds me of our sea shore in my hometown.

Tarolino said...

Dramatic, powerful and vivid image. I really love this one.


I hope YOU don't live there - one the edge!? Great shot anyhow!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunshinelene said...

Looks like a dangerous ledge. But a beautiful shot! I can feel the wind in my face as i am leaving this comment. :)

Happy WW!

I played here -- http://sunshine-photoblog.blogspot.com/2009/04/watery-wednesday-18.html

Take care.