Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Watery Wednesday #18

The old boat shed and pier.


Carletta said...

Love that first shot! So very serene looking.

Linnea said...

What a cool spot to photograph. Looks like a lovely place to hike around and take photos. Nice WW images. Greetings from California.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Great photos. I like the last shot - remnants of things past. It actually reminded me of the sunken ships at Pearl Harbor that you can still see through the water.

Connie T. said...

That is a beautiful set of water photos.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful scenery and so serene I love the old wood against the water in the first photo - well done.

michael bird said...

Like them both, maybe the one of the pier, or what remains of it, a little better than the one of the shed - though that one made me stop and look. Nifty.

simply divina said...

Cool shot! I like it.

Anonymous said...

I always like looking at old piers and wondering what they were like in their hay day.

Judy said...

I especially like the first one! There is so much to see!